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Carman Lai


  • 香港大學食物及營養科學理學士,主修營養及公共衛生範疇

  • 曾於澳洲格里菲斯大學交流

  • 現於香港大學人類營養研究所擔任實驗室助理

  • 曾於本地大型餐飲服務公司捷榮集團實習

  • 曾經參與開發健康飲食應用程式

Qualifications and Experience

  • BSc. Food and Nutritional Science (HKU), specialised in nutrition and public health studies

  • Semester exchange student at Griffith University, Australia

  • Human nutrition lab assistant at HKU

  • Intern at leading local F&B firm, Tsit Wing Group

  • Participated in health & wellness app development




Personal Profile

Carman is currently studying BSc Food and Nutritional Science at the University of Hong Kong, majoring in nutrition and public health studies. Ever since learning the basics of nutrition, she has been exploring different job opportunities to enrich her experience within the industry. Besides interning at a leading local F&B firm to research and assist in promoting healthy Hong Kong dining culture, she also went to Griffith University, Australia, for semester exchange, with a focus on taking human nutrition courses. The diverse background has laid a solid foundation to help her develop an interest in designing simple, personalised nutritional, as well as to scientifically justify myths about various nutrients and folk diets for disease prevention.

Despite many whose understanding towards the study of nutrition are limited to weight management, Carman first came across with nutrition as she had been suffering from serious skin condition in her secondary school life, until junior years in university. Within this extended period, she had received numerous conventional and traditional Chinese medication therapy, although did not seem to show a significant improvement to her skin condition. Since then, she has decided to use her professional knowledge to tackle the problem from nutrition perspective, which is a natural, non-medical treatment to improve the problem. She is also aspired to help others who suffer from various skin conditions with her knowledge and experience.

Disclaimer: All information contained in this profile is provided by the nutritionist partner. Whilst Nutrition HK endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information, no guarantee or warranty is given as to its appropriateness for use in any particular circumstances.

文章 Blog Posts


10 Feb, 2021 



7 Oct, 2020 

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